When "Dawson's Creek" Referenced "Beverly Hills, 90210"
There likely wouldn’t be a “Dawson’s Creek” without “Beverly Hills, 90210.” So it’s only fitting that “Dawson’s Creek” made references to its iconic predecessor… even if those references often seemed more mocking than respectful.
Reference #1: Episode 2.01, “The Kiss”
“I don’t know, Dawson. I was going to watch TV tonight. I hear Luke Perry’s back on ‘90210.’”
Joey (Katie Holmes) delivers this line in the season 2 premiere as a jokey response when Dawson asks her on a date for the first time. The episode aired on October 7, 1998, which means the timing was a little off. Though his anticipated return was already in the news, Perry’s onscreen arrival wasn’t until November 18, 1998. As for Joey calling the show “90210” instead of “Beverly Hills, 90210,” she gets a pass on that since, at that time, the show was indeed known as “90210” and nu90210 wouldn’t arrive for another 10 years. Click here to watch the moment at the 11:40 mark.
Reference #2: Episode 2.20, “Reunited”
“You know what? I happen to agree with Joey. I mean, sure, we’ve all grown to tolerate each other but we’re still a long way off from ‘90210’-land of best friends forever.”
That line comes from Jen (Michelle Williams) when she, Joey, Dawson, Jack, Pacey, and Andie are all gathered in Dawson’s room watching a movie, one of the first times they’ve all come together for a friendly hangout.
Reference #3: Episode 2.20, “Reunited”
“Let’s face it, guys, we are this far away from The Peach Pit.”
As the aforementioned scene continues and the characters discuss their growing friendships, Pacey (Joshua Jackson) drops that declaration. He gets glares in response before he’s playfully clobbered with pillows. Both lines can be seen in the video here.
Two of the original scripts for this episode were gifted to me for my birthday last summer precisely because it represents two of my favorite shows. And while the characters may not have seen it that way, anytime you’re compared to “Beverly Hills, 90210,” that’s a compliment in my book… even if “Dawson’s Creek” was kind of throwing shade.