Totally agree that this was the "best" episode so far, but I still can't connect with any of the characters. The teachers get more annoying every week. I hope you're right and they course correct for next season and they have a new GG. I laughed when I saw you mentioned how there is no preview for the next episode...that actually does bug me a bit. I've gotten so used to most shows doing it now.

I found it a little convenient that the teacher they set up didn't clue in that she'd been set up.... this seemed pretty obvious. Anyway, here's hoping next weeks episode is even better and that we get more Laura Benanti!

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I can't connect with the characters either. I think I'm getting used to them, and used to the show, which is different from liking and enjoying.

That's a great point about the teacher not realizing she'd been set up. I guess we were supposed to believe she was naive.

Bless Laura Benanti. She is doing this show such a service.

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