Glad I'm not the only one who had never heard of Princess Nokia before watching this episode!

I did pick up on the Sparks name right away. I hope Georgina pops in at some point. I enjoyed the Blair shrine lol.

I totally agree with the video being such a letdown. In my head I had thought maybe a friend/classmate had died and she was somehow responsible. Spray painting the school walls is hardly something these kids would find scandalous.

The teachers all continue to annoy me nothing new on this front.

I didn't realize there would be a break after the 6th episode. I know this is done all the time now, but I find by the 6th episode a new show is usually just finding its groove... Also, by starting the second half in the fall when the networks are all launching new shows and established favourites are returning, you risk losing some of the eyeballs you had in the summer.

I also enjoyed Nick and Davis coming together. I'm curious to see how that progresses. Maybe Zoya and Julien can follow their dads lead!

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